Animals share attractive similarities with humans when they are babies. They all look cute, warm, and cuddly and can easily make you fall in love. Skunk pups look pretty cute with their black and white streaked soft coats. They are simply irresistible, especially since they are born blind and deaf and are helpless.

It is, however, important for you to understand that there are steps that do not help a baby skunk, no matter if you are trying to help. To help a baby skunk, you must first confirm that it is an orphan. You can do this by observing from a distance for a few hours to see if the mother skunk will come back for her pup. If she doesn't show up, you can help the pup by taking the following steps:

Provide warmth: A roaming baby skunk may have chills, and it is up to you to provide warmth to it. Do not forget to wear gloves and other protective gear when dealing with baby skunks. Approach the skunk slowly and do not attempt to treat it like a pet. Wrap it with a towel to reduce chills and provide body warmth.

Rehydration: An orphaned skunk that has been wandering around may be thirsty, and in need of hydration, so the first and most important call is to try to rehydrate it and keep it hydrated. You can use a 1cc or 5cc syringe to feed it carefully so that it doesn’t suck too fast. In most stores, there is an oral solution like Pedialyte for rehydration that you can use. Warm to body temperature, then offer to the baby skunk slowly. You should give this to the pup every two hours after the initial feeding and slowly relax feeding.

Feed Pup: Cow milk and other baby feed are unfit for baby skunks; however, you can use Esbilac powder mix to feed the skunk in little proportions. Warm the formula before offering it to the skunk. You should hold it in a wrapped towel firmly and cover its eyes. Avoid letting the pup control the feeding rate as it may rush the food and choke on it. When this happens, the skunk may likely sneeze, and the formula spills from its nose. If you notice this, quit feeding immediately and turn the pup on its stomach. Rub the pup's back gently and wipe away the formula produced at the nose and mouth. Make sure that the airways are clear, and it is breathing freely.

Do not attempt to feed the baby skunk from a feeding bottle as this may cause aspiration pneumonia, and severe cases may lead to death. The syringes are smaller and, therefore, easier to control and manage when feeding. Feed in a quiet place to avoid unnecessary noises that may startle the skunk. Be watchful while feeding and stop immediately if you notice bubbles within the syringe. After feeding, clean the pup's face with a damp cloth to avoid food remnants drying up and sticking to the pup's face. Dry feed can cause hair loss and can easily become a source for bacteria growth.

Stimulate pup to urinate before and after feeding. You can do this by gently rubbing the genitals with a warm and soft towel to imitate the mother skunk's tongue. The pup may urinate a bit by itself, but excessive urine retention in the bladder may lead to the pup's death.

Call a professional: Caring for a skunk should be a temporary arrangement. You should call a professional at the wildlife control and removal center in your state for help. These professionals have the experience, knowledge, skills, and equipment necessary for animal care and welfare. Therefore, it would be wise to hand over the skunk's care to them.

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